Cosmos Chain
The Cosmos chain implementation in Signet.js provides support for Cosmos SDK-based networks (Cosmos Hub, Osmosis, etc.) with a focus on standard transactions and IBC transfers.
The Cosmos implementation allows you to:
- Generate addresses and public keys
- Check balances
- Prepare, sign, and broadcast transactions
- Support for various Cosmos SDK message types
Complete Transaction Example
Below is a complete example of sending a transaction on a Cosmos chain using Signet.js:
import { Cosmos } from 'signet.js'
import { utils } from 'signet.js'
import { createPublicClient, createWalletClient, http } from 'viem'
import { privateKeyToAccount } from 'viem/accounts'
import { sepolia } from 'viem/chains'
const account = privateKeyToAccount(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY as `0x${string}`)
const publicClient = createPublicClient({
chain: sepolia,
transport: http(),
const walletClient = createWalletClient({
chain: sepolia,
transport: http(),
const chainSigContract = new utils.chains.evm.ChainSignatureContract({
contractAddress: utils.constants.CONTRACT_ADDRESSES.ETHEREUM
.TESTNET_DEV as `0x${string}`,
const cosmos = new Cosmos({
chainId: 'cosmoshub-4',
contract: chainSigContract,
const path = 'cosmos'
const predecessorId = walletClient.account.address
const { address: from, publicKey } = await cosmos.deriveAddressAndPublicKey(
const { balance, decimals } = await cosmos.getBalance(from)
const { transaction, hashesToSign } = await cosmos.prepareTransactionForSigning(
address: from,
messages: [
typeUrl: '/',
value: {
fromAddress: from,
toAddress: 'cosmos1jq304cthpx0lwhpqzrdjrcza559ukyy347xu57',
amount: [
denom: 'uatom',
amount: '1000000', // 1 ATOM (1,000,000 uatom)
memo: 'Sent via Signet.js',
const rsvSignature = await chainSigContract.sign({
payload: hashesToSign[0],
key_version: 0,
const tx = cosmos.finalizeTransactionSigning({
rsvSignatures: [rsvSignature],
const txHash = await cosmos.broadcastTx(tx)
Supported Networks
You can use any Cosmos SDK-based network by providing the appropriate chain ID:
import { Cosmos } from 'signet.js'
// Cosmos Hub
const cosmosHub = new Cosmos({
chainId: 'cosmoshub-4',
contract: chainSigContract,
// Osmosis
const osmosis = new Cosmos({
chainId: 'osmosis-1',
contract: chainSigContract,
// Juno
const juno = new Cosmos({
chainId: 'juno-1',
contract: chainSigContract,
The following types are used on the Cosmos chain:
import { type EncodeObject } from '@cosmjs/proto-signing'
import { type TxRaw } from 'cosmjs-types/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/tx'
export type CosmosNetworkIds = string
export type CosmosUnsignedTransaction = TxRaw
export interface CosmosTransactionRequest {
address: string
publicKey: string
messages: EncodeObject[]
memo?: string
gas?: number
export interface BalanceResponse {
balances: Array<{
denom: string
amount: string
pagination: {
next_key: string | null
total: string
export interface ChainInfo {
prefix: string
denom: string
rpcUrl: string
restUrl: string
expectedChainId: string
gasPrice: number
decimals: number