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Implementing a Bitcoin RPC Adapter

This guide explains how to implement a custom RPC adapter for interacting with Bitcoin nodes or services.


The BTCRpcAdapter provides an abstraction layer for Bitcoin-specific operations like UTXO management, balance queries, and transaction broadcasting. You might want to implement a custom adapter when:

  • Using a different Bitcoin API provider
  • Implementing specialized UTXO selection strategies

Base Class

In order to implement a custom adapter, you need to implement the BTCRpcAdapter abstract class:

import type { BTCTransaction, BTCInput, BTCOutput } from '@chains/Bitcoin/types'
export abstract class BTCRpcAdapter {
  abstract selectUTXOs(
    from: string,
    targets: BTCOutput[]
  ): Promise<{ inputs: BTCInput[]; outputs: BTCOutput[] }>
  abstract broadcastTransaction(transactionHex: string): Promise<string>
  abstract getBalance(address: string): Promise<number>
  abstract getTransaction(txid: string): Promise<BTCTransaction>

2. Example

There is an example implementation of the BTCRpcAdapter abstract class in the Mempool class:

// There is no types for coinselect
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-expect-error
import coinselect from 'coinselect'
import { BTCRpcAdapter } from '@chains/Bitcoin/BTCRpcAdapter/BTCRpcAdapter'
import {
  type BTCFeeRecommendation,
  type UTXO,
} from '@chains/Bitcoin/BTCRpcAdapter/Mempool/types'
import type { BTCTransaction, BTCInput, BTCOutput } from '@chains/Bitcoin/types'
export class Mempool extends BTCRpcAdapter {
  private readonly providerUrl: string
  constructor(providerUrl: string) {
    this.providerUrl = providerUrl
  private async fetchFeeRate(confirmationTarget = 6): Promise<number> {
    const response = await fetch(`${this.providerUrl}/v1/fees/recommended`)
    const data = (await response.json()) as BTCFeeRecommendation
    if (confirmationTarget <= 1) {
      return data.fastestFee
    } else if (confirmationTarget <= 3) {
      return data.halfHourFee
    } else if (confirmationTarget <= 6) {
      return data.hourFee
    } else {
      return data.economyFee
  private async fetchUTXOs(address: string): Promise<UTXO[]> {
    try {
      const response = await fetch(
      return (await response.json()) as UTXO[]
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Failed to fetch UTXOs:', error)
      return []
  async selectUTXOs(
    from: string,
    targets: BTCOutput[],
    confirmationTarget = 6
  ): Promise<{ inputs: BTCInput[]; outputs: BTCOutput[] }> {
    const utxos = await this.fetchUTXOs(from)
    const feeRate = await this.fetchFeeRate(confirmationTarget)
    // Add a small amount to the fee rate to ensure the transaction is confirmed
    const ret = coinselect(utxos, targets, Math.ceil(feeRate + 1))
    if (!ret.inputs || !ret.outputs) {
      throw new Error(
        'Invalid transaction: coinselect failed to find a suitable set of inputs and outputs. This could be due to insufficient funds, or no inputs being available that meet the criteria.'
    return {
      inputs: ret.inputs,
      outputs: ret.outputs,
  async broadcastTransaction(transactionHex: string): Promise<string> {
    const response = await fetch(`${this.providerUrl}/tx`, {
      method: 'POST',
      body: transactionHex,
    if (response.ok) {
      return await response.text()
    throw new Error(`Failed to broadcast transaction: ${await response.text()}`)
  async getBalance(address: string): Promise<number> {
    const response = await fetch(`${this.providerUrl}/address/${address}`)
    const data = (await response.json()) as {
      chain_stats: { funded_txo_sum: number; spent_txo_sum: number }
    return data.chain_stats.funded_txo_sum - data.chain_stats.spent_txo_sum
  async getTransaction(txid: string): Promise<BTCTransaction> {
    const response = await fetch(`${this.providerUrl}/tx/${txid}`)
    return (await response.json()) as BTCTransaction