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Contract Addresses

All the necessary constants to interact with the Sig Network are exported from the constants.ts file.

Using the Constants in your code

You can import and use them in your code as follows:

import { utils } from 'signet.js'
const evmTestnetAddress = utils.constants.CONTRACT_ADDRESSES.ETHEREUM.TESTNET
console.log(evmTestnetAddress) // '0x83458E8Bf8206131Fe5c05127007FA164c0948A2'
const testnetPublicKey = utils.constants.ROOT_PUBLIC_KEYS.TESTNET
console.log(testnetPublicKey) // 'secp256k1:3Ww8iFjqTHufye5aRGUvrQqETegR4gVUcW8FX5xzscaN9ENhpkffojsxJwi6N1RbbHMTxYa9UyKeqK3fsMuwxjR5'

Constants file

For reference, here is the file with the full list of constants and their explanations:

import { type NajPublicKey } from '@chains'
export const ENVS = {
} as const
export const CHAINS = {
} as const
 * Root public keys for the Sig Network Smart Contracts across different environments.
 * These keys should never change.
export const ROOT_PUBLIC_KEYS: Record<keyof typeof ENVS, NajPublicKey> = {
 * Chain IDs used in the key derivation function (KDF) for deriving child public keys to
 * distinguish between different chains.
 * @see {@link deriveChildPublicKey} in cryptography.ts for usage details
export const KDF_CHAIN_IDS = {
  [CHAINS.NEAR]: '0x18d',
} as const
 * Contract addresses for different chains and environments.
 * - Testnet Dev: Used for internal development, very unstable
 * - Testnet: Used for external development, stable
 * - Mainnet: Production contract address
 * @see ChainSignatureContract documentation for implementation details
export const CONTRACT_ADDRESSES: Record<
  keyof typeof CHAINS,
  Record<keyof typeof ENVS, string>
> = {
    [ENVS.TESTNET_DEV]: 'dev.sig-net.testnet',
    [ENVS.TESTNET]: 'v1.sig-net.testnet',
    [ENVS.MAINNET]: 'v1.sig-net.near',
    [ENVS.TESTNET_DEV]: '0x69C6b28Fdc74618817fa380De29a653060e14009',
    [ENVS.TESTNET]: '0x83458E8Bf8206131Fe5c05127007FA164c0948A2',
    [ENVS.MAINNET]: '0xf8bdC0612361a1E49a8E01423d4C0cFc5dF4791A',